Course Director Prep
Think back to your IDC. Do you remember thinking that you would love to know more about how your Course Director evaluates your performance? Was there a PADI IDC Staff Instructor assisting on the course who inspired and helped you overcome any difficulties? Imagine being that Staff instructor and understanding how to evaluate, inspire and assist IDC candidates on their journey to becoming a PADI instructor.
For many PADI instructors, becoming a PADI IDC Staff Instructor is the next logical step. They are already keen to further their career in diving, maybe even working their way towards Master Instructor and ultimately Course Director.
As a PADI IDC Staff Instructor you have the opportunity of working closely with a PADI Course Director. You can teach your own Assistant Instructor courses and be a useful assistant during IDCs.
IDC Staff Instructor Duties include:
- Independently teaching and certifying PADI Assistant Instructors.
- Conducting IDC training segments while a PADI Course Director is present, in control and available on premises for consultation.
- Evaluate and critique instructor candidate knowledge development, confined water and open water teaching presentations.
- Provide counselling and remedial training for instructor candidates and IDC Staff instructor candidates.
- Assist with instructor-level continuing education programs, such as PADI Specialty Instructor Training courses.
- Observe the orientation and closing sessions of PADI Instructor Examinations
When you train to become an IDC Staff instructor you will further develop your skills to evaluate candidate abilities as well as learning how to counsel skills through classroom sessions and guided evaluation training. Preassessment, knowledge development and evaluation training normally take place before auditing an entire IDC or alternately, presenting all Assistant Instructor course components.
During your preassessment you will take Dive Theory and Standards exams and present a knowledge development, confined water and open water presentation. You will perform a 24 skills circuit, 400 metre swim, and match most of the controlling scores for the IDC candidates knowledge, confined and open water presentations.
Your Course Director will go through four presentations before you start:
- IDC Staff Instructor Course Orientation
- Instructor Development Standards, Procedures and Curriculum
- How to Organize and Conduct the PADI Assistant Instructor Course
- The Psychology of Evaluation and Counselling
Many PADI IDC Staff instructors found the course to be a valuable refresher, reminding them of knowledge and skills not used in a while. And by revising their Dive Theory and Standards, they felt far more confident than when they attended their own IDC.
IDC Staff Instructor course pre-requisites:
To qualify for training on your PADI IDC Staff Instructor Course, you must:
- Be at least 18 YEARS OLD
- Be a qualified PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT)
- Be a PADI EFR Instructor
- Be fit for diving and submit a PADI Medical Statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months
How can I start my PADI IDC Staff Instructor course with Scuba Dive Online?
First, we will supply you with your digital materials. Once ordered, Scuba Dive Online will email you a code. After you have redeemed the code, there are instructions on how to get started. We are able to follow your progress and can help you at any point during your learning. You will also receive all course materials, the PADI Course Director Manual with digital code and the PADI confined and open water evaluation slates.
The PADI IDC is in three sections, all of which a PADI IDC Staff Instructor candidate will attend should they choose to audit an entire IDC.
Theory preparation:
During the IDC there are 16 eLearning curriculum topics that are covered, each having a knowledge review. The eLearning covers all 16 subjects including how to conduct and schedule all PADI courses, managing risk, classroom and in-water training, how to run a diving business, dive theory for professional and more. As an IDC Staff Instructor candidate, yoiu should also be familiar with the IDC eLearning in order to be a better coach for candidates.
Moreover, make sure you have a firm grasp on Dive Theory topics. Scuba Dive Online hold regular online “Dive Theory Live” presentations which you are welcome to join for revision.
Your live online IDC:
The Scuba Dive Online “IDC Live” takes place over 8 days, 3 hours per day, with time slots to suit all regions. Day 8 is reserved for the EFR Instructor theory.
Each day one of the Scuba Dive Online Course Directors will hold workshops based on the eLearning candidates have already completed. The classes are interactive. You are encouraged to join in by sharing your stories and local knowledge specific to your region and eventually teach your own presentations and help candidates with dive theory. These live sessions are fun and a great way to get to know your fellow candidates.
Daily assignments are to be completed for the following day’s session. Assignments include online practice exams through our state-of-the-art exam platform and preparing your own teaching presentations. As a PADI Staff instructor candidate, you will join for extra online sessions normally before the IDC candidates begin. During these sessions, your Course Director will go through the 4 presentations previously mentioned.
Day 8 of the IDC online is dedicated to the EFR Instructor theory. The hands-on skills and exam section of this course are completed the same time as the in-water section of the IDC.
Finishing your in-water work:
The in-water section of your IDC Staff instructor course will take place at your chosen location. There, you will demonstrate confined and open water presentations as well as the other course components previously mentioned. If you would like to join the Scuba Dive Online team for this section, we are situated in Thailand on the beautiful island of Koh Tao.
Check out our destinations page for other affiliated locations around the world.
Timescale (including in-water training):
Although schedules differ around the world, generally the full IDC is held over a set two-week period including the time it takes to be recognized as an EFR Instructor.
If you are auditing an online IDC with Scuba Dive Online, you will attend the 8 day IDC online, followed by a 6 or 7 day in-water section. This may be divided between two different countries or take place in one destination.
Contact us to discuss how you can further your dive career by starting your online PADI IDC Staff instructor course today with Scuba dive Online.