Terms of Service


Scuba Dive Online (hereby referred to as SDO) are committed to respecting the privacy of customers, including participants making inquiries and visitors to the SDO website. This Privacy Policy covers personally identifiable information that may be provided to the SDO affiliates during such interactions. As is explained below, the information provided during various types of interactions may be treated differently. Changes to the policy will be posted on this page. Any changes will only apply to information collected after the posted date of any such change. Additionally, information may be provided to governmental bodies and other entities as required by law.

What security is provided by SDO?

SDO use a number of security measures to maintain the privacy of the personal information collected. The data are stored in secure databases and are accessed only for the purposes listed within the Privacy Policy.

What information do SDO obtain?

For participants in the Training Programs  SDO may obtain participant name, mail address, telephone number, email address, gender, birth date, certification/participation date, certification level and number. SDO need this in order to send participants eLearning materials and touch products.  SDO will not to knowingly disclose this information to anyone without your consent.

How is the information used?

Participant information may be used by SDO, to promote additional programs and training opportunities with SDO only or that the SDO feel may be of interest to participants.

When purchasing PADI eLearning and Touch products from SDO, participants may be directed to the PADI.com website where they will need to read and agree to the PADI Terms and conditions, which are separate to SDO Terms and conditions.

SDO use a secure third for payment transactions and therefore have no access to your personal bank details. 

Email addresses are collected from those who communicate with SDO.  This if for the purpose of sending eLearning digital products, answering enquiries and sending links to SDO live presentations. SDO will not share these email addresses with any third parties except for occasionally PADI.com for special, agreed to certification purposes. As previously explained, PADI.com have their own terms and conditions which need to be read and agreed to if directed to their site. Moreover, the PADI dive centres where participants choose to complete their PADI course will have their own terms and conditions which will need to be read and agreed to.

PADI courses can be taken by children from 10 years or older.  Signatures from a parent or guardian are required on all paperwork for participants under 18 years of age before any in-water work.  This includes the RSTC medical form which should be read by all participants before ordering eLearning products.  SDO will need personal email addresses for all participants, which includes children participating in PADI eLearning, to email their personal eLearning and touch products.  SDO recommend parents and guardians supervise the activity of children on the internet.

Google Analytics uses “cookies” to collect and record information about visitor behaviour on scubadiveonline.com. Google Analytics stores information about what pages visitors’ visit, how long they are on the site, how they got here and what they click on. This data is not tied to personally identifiable information, such as your name or address, so this information cannot be used to identify who you are.

Limits on our Abilities to Protect Personal Information

Your privacy is particularly important to us. However, due to the existing legal and technical environment, we cannot ensure that your personally identifiable information will not be disclosed to third parties in ways not described in this policy. For example, we may be forced to disclose information to the government or third parties under certain circumstances, or third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications. Additionally, we can (and you authorize us to) disclose any information about you to private entities, law enforcement or other government officials as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate to address or resolve inquiries or problems.

Additional costs.

Payment to SDO for is for PADI eLearning only or SDO travel excursions.  Participants will incur additional costs for their in-water work to complete their PADI diving course in their chosen destination. SDO can advise on approximate additional in-water costs, although these costs will differ throughout the world. 

Completing PADI eLearning.

Participants who purchase the PADI eLearning product from SDO are responsible for completing the eLearning section of their chosen PADI course before arriving at their chosen dive centre to complete the in-water work.  Should participants arrive to their chosen dive centre with incomplete eLearning or have not started eLearning, additional costs may be incurred by the participant for extra tuition needed before in-water training. SDO highly recommend completing all eLearning before arrival to avoid such extra costs.

Free live presentations.

SDO offer free, live online presentations for participants once they have fully completed their eLearning.  SDO have live access to an online processing centre which informs them of students progress and whether they have completed the eLearning or failed to redeem their eLearning code. Once payment is received participants will receive an email from SDO with a digital code relating to their eLearning product.  This needs to be redeemed and completed before joining the live online presentations.  SDO will email once eLearning is completed with links to the live presentations.  There will be a video tutorial attached to the first email, with instructions on how to redeem and complete eLearning.

Participants can read the PADI eLearning Privacy Policy by using the link below.

PADI eLearning Privacy Policy